DREAMERS and SCHEMERS: A political history of Australia
Author/editor: Bongiorno, Frank
Year published: 2022
In this compelling and comprehensive work, renowned historian Frank Bongiorno presents a social and cultural history of Australia’s political life, from pre-settlement Indigenous systems to the present day. Depicting a wonderful parade of dreamers and schemers, Bongiorno surveys moments of…

Exiting War: The British Empire and the 1918-20 ‘moment'
Author/editor: Fathi, Romain
Year published: 2022
Exiting war explores a particular 1918-20 'moment' in the British Empire's history, between the First World War's armistices of 1918, and the peace treaties of 1919 and 1920. That moment, we argue, was a challenging and transformative time for the Empire. While British authorities successfully…

A Concise History of the Caribbean (2nd Edition)
Author/editor: Higman, Barry
Year published: 2021
A Concise History of the Caribbean offers a comprehensive interpretation of the history of the Caribbean islands from the beginning of human settlement to the present. It narrates the processes of early human migration, the disastrous consequences of European colonisation, the development of…

Ancestors, artefacts, empire: Indigenous Australia in British and Irish Museums
Author/editor: Sculthorpe, G, Nugent, M & Morphy, H
Year published: 2021
Museums across the United Kingdom and Ireland hold over 39,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artworks and artefacts. Gifted, sold, exchanged and bartered by Indigenous people, and accepted, bought, collected and taken by travellers, colonists, explorers and others, these objects date from…

Political Conflict and Continuity in East Timor: A History of the 2006 Crisis
Author/editor: Nuttall, Ruth
Year published: 2021
This book examines the history of political continuity and conflict in East Timor between 1974 and 2006, and the origins of an unexpected crisis in 2006 which caused an international military intervention and several more years of UN missions. Providing a fresh and analytical political history to…

Principles of Effective Policy Reform: Lessons for Australia's Climate Change Policy Impasse
Author/editor: Brown, Nicholas & Dovers, Stephen
Year published: 2021
This edited volume presents ten policy reform case studies - from regional forestry agreements to activity-based funding in Victorian hospitals - to identify critical factors that may be relevant to Australia's current climate policy impasse. The volume is based on presentations at a roundtable…

Remaking Ukraine after World War II (Remaking Ukraine after World War II: The Clash of Local and Central Soviet Power)
Author/editor: Slaveski, Filip
Year published: 2021
Ukraine was liberated from German wartime occupation by 1944 but remained prisoner to its consequences for much longer. This study examines Soviet Ukraine's transition from war to 'peace' in the long aftermath of World War II. Filip Slaveski explores the challenges faced by local Soviet authorities…