PhD Student wins Environmental History Essay Prize
Mr Christian O'Brien, a PhD Student in the School of History has won this year's National Museum of Australia Student Essay Prize for his essay on 'A brief history of the monsoon'. The Australian…
Biography Footnotes, no 8, 2011
The latest edition of the National Centre of Biography’s newsletter, Biography Footnotes, is now available on the web. Read about the launch of the NCB’s new Obituaries Australia…
Master of Biographical Research & Writing
The National Centre of Biography is offering a Master of Biographical Research & Writing from 2012. The program is relevant for graduates wishing to undertake a specialist postgraduate program in…
International Auto/Biography Conference
The International Auto/Biography Association is holding its 8th biennial conference at the Australian National University on 17-20 July 2012. A call for papers will be posted on the IABA’s website on…
Media Release: Tuesday 3 May 2011 Indigenous War Veterans' Stories Told
A new research project from The Australian National University will reveal for the first time the important role Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians have played in Australian war and…
Professor Ann McGrath to be awarded Honorary Doctor of Philosophy by Linnaeus University
Professor Ann McGrath, Professor of History at ANU has been selected by Linnaeus University, Stockholm as one of four recipients to receive the honorary doctorate 'hedersdoktor'. Professor McGrath…
The Diplomacy of Krill: negotiating the exploitation of Antarctic resources in the 1970s
Alessandro Antonello, School of History, ANU School of History Seminar Series Wednesday 18 May 2011, 4.15-5.30pm, Seminar Room A, Coombs Building, ANU In May 1980, after six years of discussions…