Carolyn Strange's documentary, 'Parricide! A Murder Close to Home', airs on ABC Radio National's Hindsight series on 22 July 2012 and again on 26 July.
Anon, The Walworth Parricide! A full Account of the Astounding Murder of Mansfield T. Walworth, by his son, Frank H. Walworth, with the trial and conviction of The Parricide, and His Sentence for Life to the State Penitentiary at Sing Sing (Thomas Kane: New York, 1873).
The documentary, associated with her ARC Discovery project on family, honour and violence, explores a murder that occurred in New York City in 1873. It recounts how a case of masculine violence transformed into a tale of female resilience.
You can download to podcast of the documentary, 'Parricide! A Murder Close to Home' from the ABC Radio National website
Dr Carolyn Strange is a Senior Fellow with the School of History, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences.