Australian Journal of Biography and History, no 6

Australian Journal of Biography and History, no 6
Thursday 26 May 2022

The 6th issue of the Australian Journal of Biography and History has been published and is now available for purchase and free download from ANU Press here.

Edited by Jane Lydon, Zoe Laidlaw, and Georgina Arnott, the issue, ‘Writing Slavery into Biography: Australian Legacies of British Slavery’ follows on from the very successful seminar series which took place last year as an element of the UWA-led ARC project ‘Australian Legacies of British Slavery.’

As well as the usual swag of high quality book reviews, the edition carries the following articles:

  1. Georgina Arnott, Zoë Laidlaw and Jane Lydon, Introduction
  2. Jane Lydon, From Demerara to Swan River: Charles Dawson Ridley and James Walcott in Western Australia
  3. Georgina Arnott, Slavery, trade and settler colonialism: The Stirling family and Britain’s empire, c. 1730–1840
  4. Malcolm Allbrook, ‘A disguised and unquestionable form of slavery’: Aboriginal labour on the nineteenth-century pearling fleet in north-west Australia
  5. Beth M. Robertson, Edward Stirling: Embodiment and beneficiary of slave-ownership
  6. Emma Christopher, ‘Not a Kanaka or a N____’: Reading Pacific labour trading through the slave pasts of sailors of African origin
  7. Zoë Laidlaw and Georgina Arnott, National biographies and transnational lives: Tracing connections between slavery and settler colonialism
  8. Paul Longley Arthur and Isabel Smith, Exhibiting slavery: Biographical approaches
  9. Zoë Laidlaw, Catherine Hall, Keith McClelland, Jeremy Martens and Georgina Arnott, Roundtable: Linking the legacies of British slave-ownership to Australian colonisation


National Centre of Biography


Updated:  27 May 2022/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications