The National Centre of Biography is committed to digitising compendiums of Australian biography, that are out of copyright, and making them freely available via the web.
If you know of any such publications, or would like to help us in this project, please contact us at
Bank of New South Wales Roll of Honour, Sydney, Bank of NSW, 1921 (22 mbs)
David Black and Geoffrey Bolton, Biographical Register of Members of the Parliament of Western Australia. Volume One, 1870-1930, Perth, Western Australian Parliamentary History Project, 2001 (16 mbs)
Carment, D. M. Recollections, privately published, 2000 (4 mbs)
Cockburn, Rodney. Pastoral Pioneers of South Australia, vol 1, indexed by A. Dorothy Aldersey, Blackwood, South Australia, Lynton Publications, 1974 (21 mbs)
Cockburn, Rodney. Pastoral Pioneers of South Australia, vol 2, indexed by A. Dorothy Aldersey, Blackwood, South Australia, Lynton Publications, 1974 (26 mbs)
Crisp, L. F. and Atkinson, Barbara. Australian Labour Party: Federal Parliamentarians: 1901-1981, Canberra, ANU, 1981 (3 mbs)
Crisp, L. F. and Atkinson, Barbara. Australian Labor Party: Federal Personnel 1901-1975, Canberra, ANU, 1975 (4 mbs)
Digby, Everard (compiler). Australian Men of Mark, vol 1, Sydney, Charles F. Maxwell, 1889 (38 mbs)
Digby, Everard (compiler). Australian Men of Mark, vol 2, Sydney, Charles F. Maxwell, 1889 (35 mbs)
Gibbney, H. J. and Smith, Ann. J. A Biographical Register 1788-1939: Notes from the Name Index of the Australian Dictionary of Biography, vol 1, A-K, Canberra, ADB, ANU, 1987 (27 mbs)
Gibbney, H. J. and Smith, Ann. J. A Biographical Register 1788-1939: Notes from the Name Index of the Australian Dictionary of Biography, vol 2, L-Z, Canberra, ADB, ANU, 1987 (27 mbs)
Heaton, J. H. Australian Dictionary of Dates and Men of the Times: Containing the History of Australasia from 1542 to Date, London, S. W. Silver and Co, 1879 (40 mbs)
Lewis, Darrell, The Victoria River District Doomsday Book, 2018
Loyau, George E., Notable South Australians, or, Colonists - Past and Present, Adelaide, G.E. Loyau, 1885 (23 mbs)
Loyau, George E., The Representative Men of South Australia, Adelaide, G. Howell, 1883 (23 mbs)
Mennell, Philip. Dictionary of Australasian Biography, London, Hutchinson & Co, 1892 (26 mbs)
Queensland and Queenslanders: Incorporating 'Prominent Queenslanders' compiled by Australian History Publishing Co, Brisbane, Australian History Publishing Co, 1936 (14 mbs)
* Serle, Percival. Dictionary of Australian Biography, vol 1, A–K, Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1949 (129 mbs)
* Serle, Percival. Dictionary of Australian Biography, vol 2, L–Z, Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1949 (90 mbs)
Sutherland, Alexander, Victoria and Its Metropolis: Past and Present, vol 1, Melbourne, McCarron, Bird, 1888 (40 mbs)
Sutherland, Alexander, Victoria and Its Metropolis: Past and Present, vol 2, Melbourne, McCarron, Bird, 1888 (117 mbs)
Sydneyites as We See 'Em, 1913-14-15, Sydney, Newspaper Cartoonists' Association of New South Wales, 1915 (16 mbs)
Who's Who in the World of Women, Victoria, Australia, vol 2, Melbourne, Reference Press Association, 1934 (10 mbs)
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