Position: Graduated PhD Student
School and/or Centres: School of History
Email: nicholas.hoare@anu.edu.au
Location: Level 5, Room 5.27, 146 Ellery Cres
Qualification: BCA/BA Hons (Victoria University of Wellington) MA (Victoria University of Wellington)<br />
At present, Nicholas is researching the history of phosphate mining on Makatea, French Polynesia.He is also currently the editorial assistant for the Journal of Pacific History, research officer for the Oceania Working Party at the Australian Dictionary of Biography, and research assistant for a DFAT ‘Documents on Australian foreign policy’ volume on Nauru.
Pacific History, New Zealand History, Environmental History, Colonialism
Hoare, Nicholas, ‘Anticolonialism and the Politics of Friendship in New Zealand's Pacific’, History Australia, Vol. 15, no. 3, 2018, pp.540–558.
Hoare, Nicholas, ‘White Ghosts, Yellow Peril: China and New Zealand, 1790-1950 (Book Review), Journal of Pacific History, Vol. 50, no. 3, 2015, pp.373–374.
Hoare, Nicholas, ‘Harry Holland’s ‘Samoan Complex’’, Journal of Pacific History, Vol. 49, no. 2, 2014, pp.151–169.
Australian Postgraduate Award, 2015–2018
Bert Roth Award for Excellence in New Zealand Labour History, 2014
Gunson Essay Prize for Pacific History, 2012
Pacific History Association, Australian Association for Pacific Studies, New Zealand Historical Association
HIST2136 World at War (Sessional Tutor) (Semester Two 2016)