Greg Lyons

What I vividly credit to my history studies is my reinvigorated critical lens on photography.

Since graduating from the Australian National University, I have led and developed policy and provided advice on museums and cultural heritage, repatriation of Indigenous human remains and private sector support for the arts for the Minister for the Arts as part of the executive team at the Department of Communications and the Arts. I have also been the primary stakeholder relationship manager between my organisation and the National Museum of Australia, Australian National Maritime Museum, Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House, and Creative Partnerships Australia.

What I vividly credit to my history studies is my reinvigorated critical lens on photography. Specifically, how the medium, photographer, patron and curator have played an influential role in documenting and retelling historic moments that have shaped current views of our nation’s social history. With greater access to manipulate photographs in our current time this lesson is highly relevant to daily life.


Greg Lyons
Bachelor of Art History and Curatorship, 2017

Updated:  24 May 2019/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications