Position: Casual Sessional Academic
School and/or Centres: School of History
Email: wei.wong@anu.edu.au
Location: Level 5, RSSS Building, 146 Ellery Cres
Qualification: PhD (History) The Australian National University; Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours (History) The University of Otago, New Zealand; BCom University of Canterbury, New Zealand&nbsp;<br />
Dr Wilbert Wong graduated with a PhD in history from the Australian National University. His Ph.D. thesis, which was completed at the School of History in the ANU Research School of Social Sciences, analyses the colonial historical construction of Malaya and its legacies in the historical discourse on Malaysia. His thesis was shortlisted for the Australian Historical Association General History Prize and received “high commendation” from the association. Wilbert currently tutors courses in history, security studies, political science, and international relations at the Australian National University. He also tutors history at the University of New South Wales. He enjoys the interdisciplinary aspect of history, which enables him to apply his expertise as a historian in different fields while learning from other disciplines and experts.
Wilbert was a Lee Kong Chian Research Fellow at the Singapore National Library in 2016 and continues to maintain an active research profile on the history of colonialism in Asia and its legacies, especially on colonial discourse, intellectual history, and the history of cross-cultural encounters, and has published on these subjects.
World History, British Imperial History, History of Ideas, Malaysia and Singapore Colonial History, Southeast Asian History, Colonialism, Cross-cultural Encounters, Globalisation Studies.
Anthony Milner and Wilbert W. W. Wong, “Winstedt, Colonialism and the Malaysian History Wars,” Indonesia and the Malay World 52, no.153, 1-20.https://doi.org/10.1080/13639811.2024.2351280
Wilbert W. W. Wong, Review of The Primordial Modernity of Malay Nationality: Contemporary Identity in Malaysia and Singapore, by Humairah Zainal and Kamaludeen Mohamad Nasir, Asian Studies Review 47, no.4 (2023): 862-4.
“Review of The Chitties of Melaka”, Berita 48, no.1 (2022): 56-59
“Arkib Negara Malaysia,” Archives of Economic Life in Asia and Southeast Asia (blog), April 2019, https://www.histecon.magd.cam.ac.uk/archives-asia/blogs/wong.html
“Za’ba Memorial Library, University of Malaya,” Archives of Economic Life in Asia and Southeast Asia (blog), April 2019, https://www.histecon.magd.cam.ac.uk/archives-asia/blogs/wong2.html
“Review of Phippe Paquet, Simon Leys: Navigator between Worlds”, Australian Journal of Biography and History 3 (2020): 197-201, Australian Journal of Biography and History 3 (November 2020): 197-201
Wilbert Wong, “The Doctor Turned Diplomat: John Crawfurd’s Writings on the Malay Peninsula,” Biblioasia 13, Issue 11 (2017): 43-47
Wilbert Wong Wei Wen, “John Turnbull Thomson and the Hikayat Abdullah,” New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 17, no. 2 (December 2015): 95-117.
Wilbert W. W. Wong, “Colonial Discourse in Perspective,” in Chapters on Asia: Selected Papers from the Lee Kong Chian Research Fellowship (2014-2016), National Library Singapore Research Series (Singapore: National Library Board, Singapore, 2018), 153–89.
Wilbert W. W. Wong, “John Crawfurd’s 1829 Pamphlet on Free Trade and Colonisation and His Liberal Campaign for British Imperial Reforms in India and Southeast Asia,” in Liberalism and the British Empire in Southeast Asia, ed. Gareth Knapman, Anthony Milner, and Mary Quilty, Empires in Perspective (Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2018), 141–66.
Finalist, Australian Historical Association General Thesis Prize (2023)
National Library Board Singapore Lee Kong Chian Research Fellowship (2016)
ANU HDR Fee Merit Scholarship (2016)
University Research Scholarship (2016)
The Australian Historical Association
Malaysia and Singapore Society of Australia (Treasurer)
World History Association
Asian Studies Association of Australia
Tutor (2024) ZHSS1201-History 1A, A History of Warfare, Humanities and Social Sciences, UNSW Canberra
Tutor (2024) ZHSS1202-History 1B, The Second World War, UNSW Canberra
Tutor (2024) POLS1002, Introduction to Politics, School of Politics and International Relations, The Australian National University
Tutor (2023 and 2024) POLS1009, Research and Writing in Political Science, School of Politics and International Relations, The Australian National University
Tutor (2023) EURO 2012, Uniting Europe: History, Politics and Theory, School of Politics and International Relations, The Australian National University
Tutor (2023) INTR 2010, International Relations in the Asia Pacific, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National University
Tutor (2023) STST 1001, Introduction to International Security Studies, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National University
Tutor (2022) Hist 1214, The Cold War: 1945-1989, School of History, Research School of Social Sciences, The Australian National University
Tutor (2022 and 2023) EURO 1004, Europe in the Modern Era, School of History, Research School of Social Sciences, The Australian National University
Tutor (2021) HIST 2226, Nazi Germany, School of History, Research School of Social Sciences, The Australian National University
Tutor (2021 and 2023) HIST 1209, Terror to Terrorism, School of History, Research School of Social Sciences, The Australian National University
Tutor (2021) HIST 2136/HIST 6136. World at War: 1939-1945, School of History, Research School of Social Sciences, The Australian National University
Tutor (2020, 2021 and 2023), HIST 1214, Empires in Global History: 1200 to the Present, School of History, School of History, Research School of Social Sciences, The Australian National University
Tutor (2017 and 2018), HIST 1214, Clash of Empires: 1450 to the Present, School of History, College of Arts and Social Sciences, The Australian National University
Tutor (2015), HIST 106-15A, War and Society, History Programme, The University of Waikato, New Zealand