Deep Conversations: Restoration, Recovery and Repair, Part I: Repatriation

Deep Conversations: Restoration, Recovery and Repair, Part I: Repatriation
Memorial and burial poles from Galiwin'ku installed at the Australian National Universty (ANU). Photo by Jamie Kidston (ANU).
Friday 6 May 2022

What is repatriation and how is it conceived differently by communities, governments and research institutions? To what extent is it necessary for reconciliation? Can museums and universities engage effectively and empathetically in repatriation? How can this process involve community and community building? These were some of the questions discussed in a recent Deep Conversations seminar, hosted by the ANU Research Centre for Deep History and the Centre for Environmental History, and convened by Dr Amy Way and Dr Rohan Howitt.

Read the full article on the Research Centre for Deep History website.


School of History


Updated:  7 June 2022/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications