Call for Papers - Gender, Sexuality and Assaults on Rights in Modern Europe

Call for Papers - Gender, Sexuality and Assaults on Rights in Modern Europe
Image by CANVALCA on
Friday 17 February 2023

Event date: 29 June 2023, Australian National University, Canberra

A Gender Institute Signature Event in collaboration with the Australasian Association for European History (AAEH), the ANU Centre for European Studies, the School of History at ANU and the School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics.

Assaults on reproductive choice, women’s rights, and gender diversity have been at the forefront of right-wing politics in contemporary Europe. Recent elections have again demonstrated the centrality of gender and sexuality to contemporary right-wing populist mobilisation. Gender, Sexuality and Assaults on Rights in Modern Europe will gather senior scholars and early career researchers together to analyse the origins of and historical perspectives on contemporary European gender politics.

This Gender Institute Signature Event is a collaboration between the Australasian Association for European History, the ANU Centre for European Studies, the School of History (RSSS) and the School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics (RSHA). We aim to situate reflection on gender and sexuality within a broader framework of European history research and foster research that shows the centrality of gender and sexuality to European history. The event will provide opportunities for HDR students to engage with theoretical developments in the fields of gender and sexuality, to mentor junior scholars working in the fields of gender and sexuality, and to forge broader networks between Australian-based HDR, ECR and more established scholars working on Europe.

  • Two public keynote addresses by Professor Jennifer Evans and Professor Jennifer Heuer.
  • The event will include a workshop for HDR students on theories of gender and sexuality.
  • A roundtable on new directions in the history of gender and sexuality.

Paper proposals should be sent to by 3 March 2023.
For planning purposes please indicate if you will attend the full AAEH conference (28-30 June: ) or just this Gender Institute Signature Event.


School of History


Updated:  21 February 2023/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications