Each year, Northern Territory historians and members of the general public in Darwin gather to learn about emerging historical scholarship concerning Australia and its region. The event is known as The History Colloquium and the ANU School of History is an enthusiastic sponsor and contributor to the annual programme. The event combines the efforts of Charles Darwin University, the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, the Professional Historians Association of the Northern Territory, and the Centre for Environmental History in the School of History, RSSS, at ANU. This year, four PhD students in History from ANU are presenting papers: Alessandro Antonello on conceptualisations of the Antarctic; Adam Hughes Henry on ethics, human rights and foreign policy in Australian relations with the Dutch East Indies and East Timor; David Fettling on Ben Chifley and the Asian Revolution; and Elizabeth Ganter on Aboriginal memory and experience in the Northern Territory's representative bureaucracy. At the end of the day's proceedings, Adam Henry's book, Independent Nation, will be launched by Emeritus Professor David Carment. The Colloquium has been organised this year by Dr Steve Farram of Charles Darwin University. The event represents a valuable collaboration in national history and a significant, ongoing partnership between ANU and Charles Darwin Unviersity.