Men and masculinities: Theoretical and historiographical reflections
7 December, 10am to 3.30pm, Seminar Room A, Coombs Building [9]
Leader: Professor Christopher Forth, Jack and Shirley Howard Chair of Humanities & Western Civilization, University of Kansas
This masterclass is offered through the School of History, in association with the conference, Honour Killing Across Culture and Time (7-9 December 2011), convened by Carolyn Strange, Graduate Director, School of History.
It is strictly limited to 15 postgraduate students.
Requirements: Students must submit a 300-word abstract of their thesis, which highlights how theories of masculinity and/or the historiography of masculinity informs their analysis. Due date: 23 November 2011.Please e-mail your abstracts to Dr Carolyn Strange.
Applicants must also read in advance Professor Forth's forthcoming article, 'Men and Masculinities in Anglophone Scholarship', [to appear as 'Masculinités et virilité dans le monde anglophone', Jean-Jacques Courtine, trans, in Histoire de la virilité de l’Antiquité au XXIème siècle. Vol. III : XXe siècle, Jean-Jacques Courtine, ed. (Paris: Seuil, 2011), pp. 131-55]. Download the reading [pdf, 115k].