Graduated PhD Students

2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1981 | 1980 | 1979 | 1978 | 1977 | 1976 | 1975 | 1974 | 1973 | 1972 | 1971 | 1970 | 1969 | 1968 | 1967 | 1966 | 1965 | 1964 | 1963 | 1962 | 1960 | 1959 | 1956 | 1955



Peter Woodley
'We are a farming class': community, class and place in Dubbo's farmlands, 1870-1950

William Scates Frances
Managing interests, managing dissonance: cognitive dissonance theory and contact history

Daniel May
Taking Fire: The Historical and Contemporary Politics of Indigenous Burning in Australia and the Western United States

Nicholas Hoare
Re-Mining Makatea: People, Politics and Phosphate Rock

Scott William Dempsey
Historia Successorum Regum Britanniae: A Study in Medieval and Early Modern English Historico-Legal Argument

Shauna Bostock-Smith
From Colonisation to My Generation: An Aboriginal Historian's Family History Research from Past to Present

Fiona Firth
Contesting Development: Rural Transition in the Bega Valley Shire 1965-1996

Elizabeth Hellwig
Sisters in Service: Dominican Lay Sisters, Eastern Australia 1867-2019

Alexandra Helen McKinnon
Hereafter: Memory, Commemoration, and the Great War at the Australian War Memorial in the Interwar Period


Murray Chisholm
Capital Punishment and Clemency in Papua New Guinea, 1954 to 1965

David Theodore Roth
Life, Death and Deliverance at Callan Park Hospital for the Insane, 1877 to 1923


Fiona Averil Fraser
A City for Music Lovers: Creating a classical music culture in Sydney 1889-1939

Alexandra Roginski
A Touch of Power: Popular Phrenology in the Tasman World

Emily Nora Duthie
Labour Colonies for Gentlemen: Philanthropic Settlements and the Making of the Social Reformer in London, 1884-1914

Julia Clare Hurst
Re-imagining identities: Aboriginal people living on Darug and Gundungurra lands


Jessica Anne Rogers

Stephen Wilks
"Now is the Psychological Moment" - Earle Page and the Imagining of Australia

Catherine Fisher
Sound Citizens: The Public Voices of Australian Women Broadcasters, 1923-1956

Benjamin Huf
The economisation of New South Wales: Performing political economy in Antipodes, 1788-1863

Annemarie McLaren
Negotiating Entanglement: Reading Aboriginal-Colonial Exchanges in Early New South Wales, 1788-1835

Rebecca Wheatley
Testament of youth: childhood encounters with Anzac, the teaching and dissemination of a tradition, and the (re)invention of Remembrance

Pam Lane
Eirene Mort: Artist, Artisan and New Woman


Maria Haenga Collins
Closed Stranger Adoption, Māori and Race Relations in Aotearoa New Zealand, 1955-1985

Eamonn McNamara
"A Peace of Sorts": A Cultural History of the Belfast Agreement, 1998 to 2007

Jayne Patricia Regan
National Landscapes: The Australian Literary Community and Environmental Thought in the 1930s and 1940s

Scott Paul Stephenson
Oligarchy contested and interconnected: The New South Wales Labor Party and the trade unions from 1910 to 1939

Jayne Regan
National Landscapes: The Australian Literary Community and Environmental Thought in the 1930s and 1940s

Maria Haenga-Collins
Closed Stranger Adoption, Maori and Race Relations in Aotearoa, New Zealand

Eamonn McNamara
"A peace of sorts": A cultural history of the Belfast Agreement, 1998-2007

Scott Stephenson
'Oligarchy Contested and Interconnected'. The New South Wales Labor Party and the trade unions from 1910-1938

Shannyn Palmer
(un)making Angas Downs: A spatial history of a Central Australian pastoral Station, 1930-1980

Robyn Curtis
English Women and the Late-Nineteenth Century Open Space Movement


Jessa Rogers
Boarding School Business: The Voices of Aboriginal Girls Attending Boarding Schools

Anne Rees
Travelling to Tomorrow: Australian Women in the United States, 1910-1960

Alexis Bergantz
The articulation of Frenchness in Australia in the late nineteenth century

Brett Goodin
Opportunities of Empire: Three Barbary captives and American nation-building, 1770-1840

Kimberley A. Doyle
Archipelagos of Peace: Australian Peacekeepers in Bougainville, East Timor and Solomon Islands 1997-2006


Emily Duthie
Labour Colonies for Gentlemen: Philanthropic Settlements and the Making of the Social Reformer in London, 1884-1914

Selena Williams
'Taking the Long Journey': Australian women who served with allied countries and paramilitary organisations during World War One

Margaret Hutchison
Painting War: Memory making and Australia's official war art scheme, 1916-22

Jacqui Donegan
The Confectionary Kings: Robertson, Allen and Hoadley, 1875-1945

Christine Wallace
The Silken Cord: Contemporaneous 20th Century Prime Ministerial Biography in Australia and Its Meaning

Nicola Francis
"My own sort of heaven": Rosalie Gascoigne's stellar rise to artistic acclaim

Arnold Ellem
A Changing Pattern in Lines: A History of the introduction and use of barcode technology in Australia - 1965 to 1990

Sophie Scott-Brown
The Histories of Raphael Samuel: A Portrait of a People's Historian

David Fettling
'Learning on the ground': five Australian officials and Asian decolonisation, 1945-1950

Spencer Leineweber
Ho'okowa 'Oiwi [To maintain Indigenous Space] Space, Culture and Change in Nineteenth-Century Hawai'i

Laura Rademaker
Language and the Mission: Talking and Translating on Groote Eylandt 1943-1973


Alessandro Antonello
The Greening of Antarctica: Environment, Science and Diplomacy, 1959-1980

Blake Singley
Recipes for a Nation: Cookbooks and Australian Culture to 1939


Shelley Richardson
Family Experiments: Professional, Middle-Class Families in Australia and New Zealand c.1880-1920

Valerie Cooms
Free the Blacks and Smash the Act! Aboriginal Policy and Resistance in Queensland between 1965 and 1975


Adam Henry
Manufacturing Australian Foreign Policy 1950-1966

Catherine Bishop
Commerce Was a Woman: Women in Business in Colonial Sydney and Wellington

Kylie Carman-Brown
Following the Water: Environmental History and the Hydrological Cycle in Colonial Gippsland, Australia, 1838-1900

Jacqui Lambert
A History of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies 1959 -1989: An analysis of how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people achieved control of a national research institute

Christian O'Brien
A Clockwork Climate? An Atmospheric History of Northern Australia


Sally Burt
FDR, Lend Lease and China: A Case Study of Presidential and Bureaucratic Statecraft in World War II

Karen Downing
Crusoe's Chains: Being a man in Britain and Australia, c.1788-1840

Rosemary Hollow
How nations mourn: the memorialism and management of contemporary atrocity sites


Elizabeth Ganter
An Ambivalent Hospitality: Aboriginal Senior Public Servants and the Representation of Others in Australia's Self-Governing Northern Territory

Marie Kawaja
The Politics and Diplomacy of the Australian Antarctic 1901-1945

Ingereth Macfarlane
Entangled places: interactive histories in the western Simpson Desert, central Australia

Nicholas Guoth (Mphil)
Kangaroos and Dragons: The 1923 Chinese Football Tour of Australia

Helen Pfeil
Raising colonial families: the upper-middle-class in Eastern Australia, 1840-1900

Christine Hansen
Telling Absence: Aboriginal Social History and the National Museum of Australia


Emily O'Gorman
Flood Country: Floods in the Murray and Darling River Systems, 1850 to the present

Tania Colwell
Reading Melusine: Romance Manuscripts and their Audiences c.1380-1530

Kerry Highley
Mending Bodies: Polio Treatment in Australia

Georgina Fitzpatrick
Britishers Behind Barbed Wire: Internment in Australia during the Second World War

Karen Fox
Famous Women: the Representation of Well-Known Maori and Aboriginal Women in the White Imagination

Doris Kordes
A politics of care: moral treatment in the asylum and the community

Helen Pfeil
Raising Colonial Families: The Upper-Middle-Class in Eastern Australia, 1840-1900

Wendy Way
The Ideas of F.L. McDougall: A biographical approach


Meridee Bailey
Between the Household and the School: Socialising the Child in England c.1400-1600

Susan Mary Withycombe
Building Communities: Women in the Making of Canberra, 1911-1958

Barbara Dawson
In the Eye of the Beholder: Representations of Australian Aborigines in the Published Works of Colonial Women Writers

Tiffany Shellam
Shaking Hands on the Fringe: Negotiating the Aboriginal World at King George's Sound


Chris Bishop
Literature and Society in Tenth-Century Wessex


Verity Archer
In Search of the Australian dole bludger: constructing discourses of welfare, 1974-83

Daniel Cohen
The non-Jews of Mark's Gospel: a Jewish reading

Christopher Elliott
Galen, Rome and the second sophistic

Joy McCann
Unsettled Country: History and Memory in Australia's Wheatlands


Benjamin Dibley
Expositions: theory, culture, museum

Jessie Mitchell
Flesh, Dreams and spirit: life on Aboriginal mission stations, 1825-1850 a history of cross-cultural connections

Jennifer Newell
Tahitians, Europeans and Ecological Exchange, 1767-1827

Tim Sherratt
Atomic Wonderland: Science and progress in twentieth-century Australia

David Trudinger
Converting salvation: protestant missionaries in Central Australia, 1930s-40s

Malcolm Wood
Presbyterians in Colonial Victoria (1837-1901)

Christine Wright
'Really respectable settlers': Peninsular War veterans in the Australian colonies, 1820s and 1830s

Sitarani Kerin
'Doctor Do-Good'? Charles Duguid and Aboriginal Politics, 1930s-1970s

Darrell Lewis
A Wild History: The Making of Victoria River Pastoral Society


Kirsty Pat Douglas
"Pictures of time beneath": Science, landscape, heritage and the uses of the deep past in Australia, 1830-2003

Janet Doust
English Migrants to Eastern Australia 1815-1860: The transmission of culture between England and Australia

David Andrew Hay
Militarisation of Australian Society during the 1950s

Anne Player
Bishop William Lanigan of Goulburn and the Making of a Catholic People 1867-1900

Rebe Taylor
Island Echoes: two Tasmanian Aboriginal Histories

John Thompson
Geoffrey Serle and his World: The Making of an Australian Historian

Jinki Trevillian
Talking with the Old People: Histories of Cape York Peninsula 1930s-1950s

Thongrith Phoumurath
Kingdon; Tradition, Memory and Identity in Lao Weddings

Susan Rhoena Allan
Women and War in Britain 1914-1920

D.J. Trudinger
Converting Salvation

Edward Vickery
'To Tell Australia's Story to the World': The Department of Information, 1945-50

Robert Wiseman
The Development of Ideas about Communication in European Thought: from Ancient Greece to the Early Modern Age


Elizabeth Keen
From Bartholomaeus to Batman: Four Hundred Years of the Properties of Things


Roderick Letchford
The Cleansing of the Temple in the Gospels: A Reappraisal of its Historical Problems

Barry McGowan
Dust and Dreams: A Regional History of Mining and Community in South East New South Wales, 1850-1914

Rachel Standfield (MPhil)
Continuity and Change in White Australian Discourse on Race in the Post War Period

Judith Webster
'Many Splendid Fictions': Atomic Narratives in Australia, 1945-1965


Amanda Laugesen
Historical societies and making histories in The American West, 1870-1915


Jane Lydon
Regarding Coranderrk


Stuart Doran
Western friends and eastern neighbours: West New Guinea and Australian self-perception in Relation to the United States, Britain and Southeast Asia, 1950-1962

V. Spear
Leadership in Medieval English Nunneries


Margot Harker
'This radiant day': A history of the Australian wedding

Nicole McLennan
'From home and kindred': English immigrant to Australia, 1860-1900


Gordon Briscoe
Disease, health and healing: aspects of Indigenous health in Western Australia and Queensland, 1900 to 1940

John Balnaves
Bernard of Morlaix

Luke Sullivan
Oakeshott on history

Andrew Lee
Nothing to offer but fear? Non-Labour Federal electioneering, 1914-1954


Elena Govor
Russian Perceptions of Australia, 1788-1919

Marivic Wyndham
A 'World-Proof Life': Eleanor Dark, a writer in Her Times


Christopher Dowd
Papal policy towards conflict in the Eastern Australian Catholic missions: relations between the sacred congregation de propaganda fide and the bishops, 1842-1874

Elizabeth Kwan
Which Flag? Which Country? An Australian Dilemma, 1901-1951

S. Helgeby
The Philosophy of History of R.G. Collingwood, in particular his concept of historical under-standing of the human past


Frank Bongiorno
Labor and politics in Victoria, 1885-1914

Mo Yimei
Self-perception of the Chinese in Tasmania

Craig A. Wilcox
Australia's citizen army, 1889-1914

Joe Rich
Labour Process and Work Culture in the Building Industry in 19th Century Victoria

R. White
English Print & Purgatory: the Shaping of Tudor Death Lore


Peter Stanley
The White Mutiny, 1858-60: A Military Social History


Jacqueline Fogerty
Growing old in England 1878-1948

Margot Kerley
Commercial television in Australia: the first decade

Richard Reid
Irish assisted emigration to New South Wales, 1848-1870

Marian Stell
Half the Race: a history of Australian women in sport

Julian Thomas
Commemorative celebrations and recurrent Rituals in Australia, 1930s

E. McKenzie
History of the ACT Education Authority


Andrew D. Frazer
Unions, the state and arbitration in New South Wales, 1890-1926

David Lee
From fear of depression to fear of war: a Reinterpretation of the political issues involved in the transition from the Chifley Government to the Menzies government 1947-1952

P.A. Pemberton
The Formation of the Australian Agricultural Company 1824-34


Philippa Mein Smith
Reformers, Mothers and Babies: Aspects of Infant Survival, Australia 1890-1945

Ray Sutton
The labour movement and youth organisation and policy in eastern Australia, 1920-1940

N.P. Brown
An intellectual history of Australian conservatism 1950-1970

K.M. Dermody
Darcy Wentworth in New South Wales

R.A. Dutton
Church-state relations in Italy 1919-29

P.J. Love
Frank Anstey: A political biography


A.I. Ashbolt
Radical politics in the San Francisco Bay area in the twentieth century

Joanna Bourke
Husbandry to housewifery: rural women and development in Ireland, 1890-1914

Paul Collins
William Bernard Ullathorne and the foundation of Australian Catholicism 1815-1840

John Delaney
Bourgeois morals/public punishment England C.1750s-1860s

G.J. Lewis
The quest for a middle way: radical and rochdale co-operation in NSW

Melanie Nolan
'Uniformity and Diversity: A Case Study of Female Shop and Office Workers in Victoria, 1880 to 1939'


Joy Damousi
Socialist women in Australia, 1890-1918

I.A. Caldwell
History of South Sulawesi Indonesia, from the 12th to 16th centuries

K.L. Fry
A history of Bathurst to 1850

H.J. Gibbney
A history of Canberra from 1913-54

E.I.M. Hancock
Mobilizing for Total War; the National Socialist leadership and social and labour prerequisites for intensifying the German War effort, 1941-1945

Stephen Holt
Cultural history and politics in Australia, 1934-1941

M.L.M. Leveratt
The relationship between socialism and feminism in England, 1883-1921 1987

Mark L. Robinson
Economists and politicians: the influence of economic ideas upon Labor politicians and government 1931-1949

W.J. Harcourt
Nineteenth century attitudes to illness relating to women in Australia

D.A. Lambert
The myth of the Saxon constitution: A political language of English Partisan radicals (1780-1830)

E.G. Sparke
A History of Canberra 1954-88


James Broadbent
Domestic architecture in New South Wales, 1788-1843

Ann Larson
Growing up in Melbourne

Martin Sharp
Sporting spectacles: cricket and football in Sydney 1890-1912

G.B. Kitay
Conciliation and arbitration in Australia: Post World War 2

Gordon Reid
Aboriginal-European Relations in Queensland During the 19th Century and the Act of 1897

Ian Watson
A Study of the Environmental Movement in Australia 1960-1980


Maryon R. Allbrook
Scandal and the reform of London workhouse infirmaries 1864-1872

Atu Bain
Migrant labour in the gold-mining industry in Fiji 1930

Quentin Beresford
Drinkers and the anti-Drink Movement in Sydney 1870-1930

E.W. Plumridge
New Zealand Artists and their Network of Support and Communication 1890-1930

S.J. Rennie
American Missionaries in Gilbert Islands 1857-1917


Margaret Barter
The 2nd/2nd Battalion AIF: Problems of Exploring the Social History of Australian Infantrymen

C.G. Knapman
White women and children in nineteenth century Fiji


D.S. Chanderbali
Indian indenture in Malaya: policy and practice 1876-1910

L. Kerr
Worker-Bolsheviks in the Soviet Central Committee 1917-1924

Peter Read
A History of the Wiradjuri People of New South Wales 1880-1969


John W. Knott
Some aspects of the opposition to the implementation of the Poor Law of 1834

David Dillon Smith
The Historian as Moralist: A study of Edward Gibbon and the decline and fall of the Roman Empire


Kim M. Berryman
French emigres and refugees in Great Britain and Ireland,1789-1815 Great Britain and the French refugees 1789-1802: the administrative response

Adrienne Merritt
The development and application of masters and servants legislation in New South Wales 1845-1930

Pauric Travers
The last years of Dublin Castle: The Administration of Ireland 1890-1921

P.M. Mercer
Melanesians in North Queensland: A Study in Race Relations


Steve W. Dyer
Aspects of Farm Life in South West New South Wales between the Two World Wars

H.L. Rubenstein
The Marquis of Argyll: 1607-1661

V. Burgmann
Revolutionaries and racists: Australian socialism and the problem of racism, 1857-1917

H.G. Cummins
Missionary Chieftain: James Egan Moulton and Tongan Society, 1865-1909

Alan G.L. Haig
The Church of England as a profession in Victorian England

Allan J.C. Mayne
Disease, Sanitation and the "Lower Orders": Perception and Reality in Sydney, 1875-1881

Margaret R. Parnaby
William Johnson Fox and the Monthly Repository Circle of 1832-1836

Margaret O. Indian
Leisure in City and suburb: Melbourne 1880-1900

M. Sturma
Vice in a vicious society: crime and the community in mid-19th century NSW


Mark J. Finnane
Insanity and the Insane in Post-Famine Ireland

S. Alomes
Reasonable men: middle class reformism in Australia, 1928-1939

Kamoya Peterson
The Formation of Policy for the control of Vermin and Noxious Weeds in New South Wales and Victoria, 1880-1930

Stewart J. Woodman
Lawyers in New South Wales, 1856-1914: The Evolution of a Colonial Profession

Steven T. Eldred-Grigg
The Pastoral Families of the Hunter Valley 1880-1914

A.T. Thomas
Australian Broadcasting Commission Policy and Practice, 1932-48


Hugh R. Jackson
Aspects of Congregationalism in South-Eastern Australia, circa 1890-1930

Kimberley Berryman
Great Britain and the French Refugees 1789-1802: The Administrative Response

W.L. Jones
Getting Settled: A Longitudinal Study of the Experiences of Newcomer Family members in Canberra

K.B. Jackson
The Solomon Islands, 1870-1930

R.J. Stuart
The Formation of the Communist Part of India, 1927-1937: the dilemma of the Indian Left


James C. Docherty
The Second City: Social and Urban Change in Newcastle, New South Wales, c. 1900-1929

B.D. Boissery
The Patriote Convicts: a study of the 1838 rebellion in Lower Canada and the transportation of some participants to New South Wales

Milton J. Lewis
Some Aspects of Infant and Maternal Health in Sydney from 1870s to 1930s


Alan T. Atkinson
The Political Life and ideas of James Macarthur


Chris N. Connolly
Politics, Ideology and the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1856-72

Susan M. Eade
The Reclaimers: A Study of the Reformatory Movement in England and Wales, 1846-1893

Frank Farrell
International Socialism and Australian Labor

Janet S. McCalman
Respectability and Working-class Radicalism in Victorian London: 1850-1890 - A Contribution to the Debate

Michael M. McKernan
Australian Churches in the Great War: Attitudes and Activities of the Major Churches

J. Tampke
The Ruhr and Revolution: the Origin and Course of the Revolutionary Movement in the Rhenish-Westphalian Industrial Region, 1912-1919


Dan H. Coward
The Impact of War in New South Wales: Some Aspects of Social and Political History 1914-1917

C. Cunneen
The role of the Governor-General in Australia 1901-27

Michael E. Hoare
Science and Scientific Associations in Eastern Australia, 1820-1890

John A. Jones
Australia's Attitudes and Reactions to the Emergence of the United States as a World Power: The Australian Press and American Expansion,1889-1908

Len E. Richardson
The Labour Movement in Wollongong, New South Wales, 1928-39

I.T. Matheson
Secular and religious influence on society in south-eastern NSW 1863-1900

G.C. Morey
NSW Politics in the 1890's ... the Labour Party


Mark J. Lyons
Some Aspects of Sectarianism in New South Wales 1865-1880


Robert Shultz
The Free Settlers of NSW: A Study of the Nature And Origin of the Government Assisted and Bounty Immigrants to New South Wales 1837-1850

Alastair Crombie
Planning for Turbulent Social Fields

David Desmond Denholm
Some aspects of squatting in New South Wales and Queensland, 1847-1864


E. Sa. Visswanthan
A study of the Dravidian Movement: With special reference to the self-respect movement, the final phase of the justice party and the Dravidian Federation, 1920-1949

John N. Molony
John Hubert Plunkett in New South Wales 1832-1869

David R. Walker
Writer and community: Vance Palmer, Louis Esson, Frank Wilmot and Frederick Sinclaire, 1905-1930

W.J. Murray
The Right-Wing Press in the French Revolution, 1789-1792


David E.U. Baker
The politics of a bilingual province - the Central Provinces and Berar, India (1919-1939)

Graeme J. Davison
The rise and fall of "Marvellous Melbourne" 1880-1895

Don W. Ferrell
Delhi, 1911-1922: Society and politics in the new imperial capital of India

W.L. Gammage
The Broken Years: A Study of the Diaries and Letters of Australian Soldiers in the Great War, 1914-1918

Ron Norris
The Emergent Commonwealth 1901-10: A study and reappraisal of aspects of the development of federal government with some attention to the exceptions of the founders and the actual exercise of federal power

James W. Stokes
North-west Tasmania 1858-1910: The establishment of an agricultural community


Brian Kennedy
Anglo-French rivalry in India and the Eastern Seas, 1763-1793

Bruce Mitchell
A history of the public school teachers' organisation in New South Wales, 1855 to 1945

Walter Phillips
Christianity and its defence in New South Wales circa 1880 to 1890

James Richmond
Country town growth in south-eastern Australia: Three regional studies, 1861-1891

John Ritchie
Punishment and profit: The reports of Commissioner Bigge on the colonies of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, 1822-1923; their origins, nature and significance

John Tillotson
Clerical petitions, 1350-1450: A study of some aspects of the relations of crown and church in the later Middle Ages


Peter S. Bolger
Hobart town society 1855-1895

Hope V. Fitzhardinge
The establishment of the north-west frontier of Afghanistan 1884-1888

Don I. Wright
Commonwealth and States 1901-1910: a study of the executive and administration relations of the seven governments of Australia in the first decade of the federal system


Jim Hagan
A history of the Typographical Societies and The Printing Industry Employees' Union of Australia, 1850-1927

Philip R. Hart
J.A. Lyons: a political biography

John A. Merritt
A History of the Federated Iron Workers' Association of Australia, 1909-1952


Brian Dickey
Charity in New South Wales, 1850-1914: A study in public, private and state provisions for the poor

W.M. Hale
Afghanistan, Britain and Russia, 1905-1921

P.H.M. Van Den Dungen
Land transfer, social change and political stability in the Punjab, 1849-1901


Eric Andrews
Australian opinion and the European crises, 1935-1939

Gordon Leslie Buxton
Land and people: A study of settlement and society in the Riverina, 1861-1891

Miriam Dixson
Reformists and revolutionaries: An interpretation of the relations between the Socialists and the mass labour organisations in New South Wales, 1919-1927, with special reference to Sydney

Hugh Owen
The leadership of the Indian national movement, 1914-1920


Leon Atkinson
Australian defence policy: A study of empire and nation (1897-1910)

Geoffrey Bartlett
Political organisation and society in Victoria, 1864-1883

Ravinder Kumar
State and society in Maharashtra in the nineteenth century

Phyllis Mitchell
Social aspects of the Depression in New South Wales, 1930-1934

Duncan Waterson
Town and country: The development of society on the Darling Downs, 1859-1993


John Barrett
Church, state and people in eastern Australia, 1835-1850

John Broomfield
Politics and the Bengal Legislative Council, 1912-1926

Peter Reeves
The landlords' response to political change in the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, India, 1921-1937


Alan Barcan
Opinion, policy and practice in New South Wales education, 1833-1880: The development of an educational tradition

Keith Bowes
Land settlement in South Australia, 1857-1900

Bruce Kent
Reparation and the German financial system, 1919-1924

Robert Lawrence
The development of professional social work in Australia

Margaret Steven
Robert Campbell, colonial merchant, 1769-1846

Ian Turner
Industrial labor and politics: The dynamics of the labor movement in eastern Australia, 1900-1921

Edgar Waters
Some aspects of the popular arts in Australia, 1880-1915


Patrick O'Farrell
H.E. Holland and the labour movement in Australia and New Zealand: With special emphasis on the activity of militant socialists

Michael Roe
Society and thought in eastern Australia, 1835-1851

Timothy Suttor
The Catholic church in the Australian colonies, 1840-1865

Derek Carrington
The gold rushes of New South Wales, 1851-1874


John Tregenza
The life and work of C.H. Pearson, 1830-1894


Eric Fry
The condition of the urban wage-earning classes in Australia in the 1880s

Russel Ward
The ethos and influence of the Australian pastoral worker


Allan Martin
Political groupings in New South Wales, 1872-1889: A study in the working of responsible government


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Updated:  18 January 2022/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications