Second Annual ‘History and the Hill’ Conference - How Historians Can Influence Public Policy

Second Annual ‘History and the Hill’ Conference - How Historians Can Influence Public Policy
Friday 24 May 2019

The second annual Australian Policy and History ‘History and the Hill’ Conference will be from 12 to 14 June at Deakin University in Melbourne and is designed for both policy practitioners and historians. In a series of historical case studies, the conference will disseminate expert knowledge about the historical background of pressing issues of public policy. Practical workshops with leading public servants, journalists, historians, writers and commentators will equip historians with skills to communicate their expertise to the policy community.

The conference will also feature a workshop chaired by our Head of School Professor Frank Bongiorno who will be joined by ANU School of History Professor Ann McGrath, former head of PM&C, Terry Moran, journalist Jenna Price and writer Dennis Glover.

Areas covered by this year's conference will include refugee policy, environment policy, child welfare, parenting policy, diplomacy and foreign aid. A program is available at the APH website.


School of History


Updated:  24 May 2019/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications