A partnership of the Research Centre for Deep History and the Centre for Environmental History, ANU
Deep conversations: history, environment, science series was a partnership of the ANU's Research Centre for Deep History and Centre for Environmental History. Held from 2020 to 2022, this seminar series aimed to bring together scholars from diverse disciplines to discuss questions of history, science and the environment, and how they shed light on the global challenges we face today. Recordings of several seminars in the Deep Conversations series are available via the playlist below. We intend to continue organising seminars with a similar format in the future, so register for the Centre for Environmental History's mailing list to be notified of upcoming events.
- Ruth Morgan
Past Events
Deep Conversations: Animal Histories
Sophie Chao, Ruby Ekkel, Laura Rademaker, Simon Farley
Animal Histories: Decentring the Human in Understanding the Past Animals have a central role in human cultures, but it is only…
Deep Conversations: Space, Data, Place
Mike Jones, Fiannuala Morgan, Emma Thomas, Bill Pascoe
Space, Data, Place: Digital Tools for Australia's Deep Past Digital mapping is becoming an increasingly common tool for historical research in…
Deep Conversations: Restoration, Recovery and Repair, Part II: Rehabilitation
Amid a climate of crisis and ‘unprecedented times’, moments of destruction and devastation are intertwined with those of respite and renewal. By…