This joint session brings together representatives of indigenous historical and cultural organisations as well as national historical organisations in order to interrogate what challenges these developments have posed to the field of historical narrating. What are the concerns of indigenous historians, what topics are thought of as relevant, do indigenous peoples conceive of history differently from the traditions that emanate from Euroamerican universities? What challenges do indigenous histories pose regarding disciplinary boundaries, methodologies, understandings of time, change and continuity? What ways and means are significant, what is the role of film, videos, the internet, museums, oral histories etc. for the doing of indigenous histories?
The session primarily aims to engender a conversation on the above theme and hopefully provide a discussion between different practitioners of Native historical research, as well as a dialogue between Native and Non-native historians regarding the need for historical research into these areas.
Other members of the Roundtable include:
Organiser: Dr. Clara Sue Kidwell
Prof. Rauna Kuokkanen
Prof. Ann McGrath
Dr. Gnimbin Ouattara
Dr. David Tavárez
For further information visit the 21st International Congress of Historical Sciences website