Unsettling Histories: Australian Indigenous Modes of Historical Practice

Unsettling Histories:  Australian Indigenous Modes of Historical Practice

This major investigation into Indigenous Australian historical practices seeks to find fresh perspectives and constructive methods of collaboration and historical innovation. By extending Nabokov's work on American Indian 'ways of history', this trans-national project explores multi-dimensional and sensory modes of historical delivery. These include visual, musical, material culture, museum and 'traveling through country' mediums. Outcomes include a major book, exhibition briefs and collections papers, significant historical exchange meetings, content for a television series and website. Collaborative research between academic and community-based experts and performers will provide new understandings of Indigenous history and signal future directions for rethinking historical practices.


Our Community, A Great Place to Be
This photographic exhibition was held in the Gallery of first Australians at the National Museum of Australia in mid 2005, focusing on diversity and community at Brewarrina, Walgett, Lightning Ridge and Angledool. See photographs.

Our Community is also now an award winning film directed by Sean Kennedy and produced by Frances Peters-Little.

A Frontier Conversation
This film centres around discussions about modes of history telling between white historians and Indigenous people in the Northern Territory and was narrated by Professor Ann McGrath, Director of ACIH.  More details here.

Image - Chief Investigators:Ann McGrath, Margo Neale, Frances Peters-Little

Updated:  23 September 2010/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications